Transitioning to Magnetic Safety Stirrups: Tips for a Smooth Switch

Magnetic safety stirrups represent a significant advancement in equestrian safety technology, and in the past few years, they've become more popular than ever. Their primary advantage lies in the quick-release mechanism, which allows a rider's foot to detach swiftly during a fall, substantially reducing the risk of being dragged.

Beyond safety, many riders report improved comfort and stability, as the magnetic mechanism provides a more secure foot position without compromising the quick-release feature.

However, transitioning from traditional stirrups or safety stirrups to magnetic ones can feel awkward at first, so we've compiled an article about the best and most useful tips to help you with your transition. 

Preparing for the Switch: A Checklist

Before making the transition, consider the following checklist:

  • Research different brands and models of magnetic safety stirrups
  • Consult with experienced riders or trainers who have made the switch
  • Ensure compatibility with your current saddle and stirrup leathers
  • Check the weight limit and size options to match your needs
  • Verify the magnetic strength and release mechanism
  • Consider the material and durability for your riding discipline
  • Look for additional features like adjustable foot-beds or treads

Installation and Maintenance

Proper installation is crucial for the effectiveness of magnetic safety stirrups:

  • Carefully read the manufacturer's instructions before installation
  • Ensure the stirrup leather is in good condition and properly sized
  • Attach the stirrups securely, following the specific mechanism of your chosen model
  • Double-check the magnetic connection before each ride
  • Regularly clean the stirrups, paying special attention to the magnetic components
  • Inspect for any signs of wear or damage, particularly around the release mechanism
  • Store in a dry place to prevent corrosion of the magnetic elements

Getting Started: First Impressions and Adjustments

When you first use your new magnetic stirrups, you'll likely notice an immediate difference. The magnetic connection creates a unique sensation - a slight pull that secures your foot. This can feel unusual, especially if you're accustomed to traditional stirrups.

Start slowly by walking your horse, focusing on the new sensations and how your foot interacts with the stirrup. As you grow more comfortable, progress to trotting and cantering, always staying within your comfort zone.

Adjusting Your Foot Position

One crucial aspect of adapting to magnetic stirrups is adjusting your foot position. Unlike traditional stirrups, where riders often push their feet down for stability, this isn't necessary with magnetic stirrups and can actually counteract the safety features.

Practice placing the ball of your foot on the stirrup pad, allowing the magnetic mechanism to secure your foot. This position not only enhances safety but can also improve your overall riding posture.

Refining Your Riding Technique

As you adapt to your new safety stirrups, focus on refining your riding technique:

  • Practice maintaining light contact with the stirrup, relying more on your core for stability
  • Experiment with subtle shifts in your foot position to find the most comfortable and secure placement
  • Work on exercises that challenge your balance, such as riding without stirrups, to improve your overall seat
  • Pay attention to how the magnetic connection affects your leg position during different gaits
  • Practice transitions between gaits to get accustomed to how the stirrups feel during changes in momentum

Practicing Mounting and Dismounting

To familiarize yourself with your new stirrups, dedicate time to practicing mounting and dismounting. The magnetic connection might feel different as you place your foot in the stirrup to mount, potentially requiring a slight technique adjustment.

When dismounting, be aware that the magnetic pull might hold your foot a bit longer than you're used to. Practice these movements until they feel natural and instinctive.

For Ophena stirrups, tilt your foot to the side to disengage the magnetic connection.

Refining Your Riding Position

As you adapt to your new stirrups, focus on your overall riding position. Many riders find that magnetic stirrups encourage a more correct leg position, with the heel naturally dropping lower.

This can lead to a more stable and effective seat. Pay attention to how your leg feels and make small adjustments as needed. You might find that your entire riding posture improves as a result of this change.

For instance, many Ophena stirrup reviews praise how the magnetic safety stirrups help the rider adjust the seat and posture simply by placing the foot in the correct spot.

Maximizing Safety Benefits

To fully utilize the safety benefits of your magnetic stirrups, it's crucial to understand how they work. Familiarize yourself with the release mechanism. Most magnetic stirrups will detach when a certain amount of force is applied in a specific direction.

Understanding this can boost your confidence in their function and may influence how you position your feet for optimal safety.

In the video below, you'll see how the magnetic system works in Ophena safety stirrups. Ophena magnetic stirrups feature an open side that allows for easy foot release in case of an accient.

Long-Term Benefits and Considerations

As you continue to use magnetic safety stirrups, you may experience several long-term benefits:

  • Improved leg position and overall riding posture
  • Reduced fatigue during long rides due to better foot support
  • Increased confidence in high-risk situations or challenging terrain
  • Potential reduction in knee and ankle strain
  • Enhanced performance in disciplines requiring quick dismounts, such as eventing

However, it's important to regularly reassess your equipment and technique to ensure you're maximizing these benefits.

Fine-Tuning Your Equipment

As you continue using your magnetic safety stirrups, you'll likely develop personal preferences regarding stirrup width, tread pattern, and magnetic strength. Don't hesitate to experiment with different models to find the perfect fit for your riding style and needs.

Remember, the goal is to enhance your safety and riding experience, so finding the right match is crucial.

Take a look at the reviews our happy customers have left us: you'll see that amateurs and professionals alike prefer magnetic safety stirrups due to their comfort and safety aspects. 


Transitioning to magnetic safety stirrups is a positive step towards enhancing your riding safety and potentially improving your overall equestrian skills. While it may take some time to fully adjust, the benefits far outweigh any temporary discomfort or unfamiliarity.

Approach the change with patience and an open mind, and you'll soon find yourself wondering how you ever rode without them. Embrace this technological advancement in equestrian gear, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing you've taken an important step in protecting yourself in the saddle.