Ophena stirrups review: are they worth it?
Ophena stirrups have received over 1,500 five-star reviews. Our customers have reported many unexpected benefits: could you have imagined that simply switching your stirrups can help you to improve your balance, decrease knee pain, and more?
In this article, we will look at Ophena stirrups reviews and tell you what kind of benefits our customers have experienced. Curious? Read on!
Ophena stirrups: what kind of stirrups are available?
Ophena has three different stirrup models: Ophena S, Ophena S Pro, and Ophena A. The first two are magnetic safety stirrups, and the latter is a regular safety stirrup.
Ophena S was the very first magnetic safety stirrup that was released by Ophena. Ophena S includes the following features.
- Open design
- Magnetic connection
- Smart Attach™-system
- Excellent grip
Ophena S Pro has the same features, but it provides even better grip. It features diamond grip made of hardened aerospace-grade aluminum.
Both stirrups are available in silver and black, and they both come with magnetic insoles (so you don't need special boots).
Ophena A is our safety stirrup that does not have a magnetic system, so it is approved in all disciplines. Ophena A features (patent-pending) 360 degree double safety release technology that improves your safety. Ophena A utilizes The Twister: a silicone piece that releases at two independent anchor points in every direction.
Ophena stirrups reviews: what do customers say?
Ophena stirrups are more than just stirrups: they can improve your entire riding experience. Many of our customers have reported, for instance, the following:
- Improved posture
- Better balance
- Reduced knee pain
- Improved leg posture
- Increased safety
Some of our favorite reviews are attached below. Thank you to everyone who has gone through the trouble of reviewing our stirrups - we appreciate every review and love reading about the excellent experiences our customers have had.
Michael A.
July 4th, 2021
THE safest stirrups ever manufactured
There is literally nothing on the market which compares! If it’s safety your after, then i highly recommend buying these stirrups NOW! I purchased these, not for their dashing looks but to guarantee my daughter is 100% safe and not stuck if dismounted. I can honestly say these stirrups are in a totally different league compared to others on the market. We own a spooky young thoroughbred, and everyone knows they are unpredictable most of the time, they have been tested multiple occasions with perfect release every time. When riding my daughter doesn’t need to worry about losing her stirrups they stick like glue, giving her better riding position and enjoy her riding without any worries. Absolute game changer.
Product: Ophena S

Verified Purchase
Catherine D.
May 4th, 2021
Great design, great functionality...Just great stirrups!
I had been thinking for sometime about getting these stirrups, then i had an accident whilst hacking where my stirrup got caught around a gate clasp and basically ended up with me and the gate being dragged along a road stuck to the stirrup. I therefore took the plunge and they have been great - really light feel when riding, your foot never moves around in the stirrup and they are easy to use once you get used to the technique. They are expensive but I think a great investment. I bought my ten-year old daughter some insoles so she could use them when jumping. She loves them too and has tested falling off (don't worry - your foot does release straight away) although she now wants to use them all the time so we end up fighting over them!!
Product: Ophena S

Verified Purchase
Michel S.
July 27th, 2021
Safe AND Fancy
Prior to breaking my leg I couldn’t stomach the idea of spending for these. Then thanks to some other “safety” stirrups failing I broke my leg. Once the medical bills rolled in I realized these were worth the price tag. Bonus my knees don’t hurt as and after riding now and I feel SUPER fancy! Ophena has made me feel safe and comfortable riding again. What a small price to pay in the long run.
Product: Ophena S

Verified Purchase
Why should I buy Ophena stirrups?
Ophena stirrups have received a ton of excellent reviews. Our stirrups are unique and aesthetically pleasing, as we aim to bring functionality and beautiful design together.
The main goal of all Ophena stirrups is to ensure increased safety of equestrians. All of our stirrups have been designed to minimize the risk of getting caught in the stirrups in case of a fall.
In addition, our stirrups have been designed with functionality in mind: our Smart Attach™-system makes it easy to attach and detach your stirrup leathers from the stirrups without having to remove the leathers from your saddle.
And finally, the beautiful design ensures that you will always look your best.
How to purchase Ophena stirrups?
Ophena stirrups are available exclusively on our website. You can head over to our shop to see available stirrups and to pick the ones that suit you the best.
Simply add your stirrups in the cart (don't forget to choose the size of the insole and color!) and add your shipping details. Your stirrups will be sent to you as soon as possible and you will be able to enjoy your ride using your new stirrups.
Also, we have a 60-day money-back guarantee.
So, are Ophena stirrups worth it?
We would like to toot our own horn here: yes, they are! With increased safety along with all the other benefits, your entire riding experience will be improved with Ophena stirrups.
Take a look at the rest of our reviews to find out more.
Still unsure? This is how Ophena stirrups work
If you are still on the fence, take a look at our Youtube-video about how the Ophena magnetic safety stirrups work. You will surely fall in love with them, just like so many others have.
Questions? Don't hesitate to get in touch with us!