Exploring the World of Safety Stirrups: Designs, Mechanisms, and Innovations

Exploring the World of Safety Stirrups: Designs, Mechanisms, and Innovations
Gone are the days when riding without a helmet was “cool” or when we didn’t care about our safety when riding horses. Now, more and more riders (both amateurs and professionals) understand the importance of safety.

You might even remember how Charlotte Dujardin made riding Grand Prix in a helmet instead of a top hat cool. In addition to wearing a helmet, riders should also look into utilizing safety stirrups to enhance their safety.

These innovative designs aim to prevent one of the most dangerous scenarios in horseback riding: a rider's foot becoming trapped in the stirrup during a fall.
In this article, we will look at the most popular safety stirrup types and their mechanisms, designs, and pros and cons.

Peacock safety stirrups

Traditional safety stirrups, often referred to as "peacock" stirrups, have been a staple in the equestrian world for decades. These stirrups feature a rubber band on the outside branch that can break away under pressure, allowing the rider's foot to be released.


The rubber band is designed to snap when a certain amount of force is applied, typically during a fall. This action opens the stirrup's outer branch, freeing the rider's foot and preventing dragging accidents. The simplicity of this mechanism has contributed to its longevity in the market.

Pros and cons


  • Simple and reliable design
  • Relatively inexpensive
  • Easy to replace the rubber band
  • Widely available and familiar to most riders


  • The rubber band can deteriorate over time, requiring regular checks and replacements
  • May not release as quickly as some newer designs
  • Some riders find them less aesthetically pleasing
  • Performance can be affected by extreme temperatures

Breakaway safety stirrups

Breakaway safety stirrups represent an evolution in stirrup design. These stirrups typically feature a hinge mechanism that allows the outer branch to open when pressure is applied from a specific angle. This design addresses some of the limitations of traditional peacock stirrups while maintaining a familiar form factor.


The hinge is designed to release when force is applied in a direction that mimics a fall. This allows the stirrup to open, freeing the rider's foot. The stirrup then closes automatically, ready for the next use. Some models incorporate springs or other mechanisms to ensure smooth operation and prevent accidental openings during normal riding.

Pros and cons


  • Quick-release mechanism that doesn't rely on degradable materials
  • No parts to replace (unlike rubber bands)
  • Often more aesthetically pleasing than traditional designs
  • Can be designed to match specific riding disciplines


  • Generally more expensive than traditional safety stirrups
  • Some designs may be heavier, which can be a concern for competitive riders
  • Potential for accidental release during normal riding (though rare with quality designs)
  • May require periodic maintenance to ensure proper function

Magnetic safety stirrups

Magnetic safety stirrups represent one of the most innovative approaches to stirrup design in recent years. These stirrups use magnetic force to keep the outer branch closed during normal riding conditions, offering a sleek and modern solution to rider safety.


The outer branch of the stirrup is held in place by strong magnets. In the event of a fall, the force exerted on the stirrup overcomes the magnetic attraction, allowing the branch to open and release the rider's foot. The strength of the magnets is carefully calibrated to provide security during normal riding while still allowing release when necessary.

Ophena magnetic safety stirrups specifically feature an open design that allows for easier release.

Pros and cons


  • Smooth and quick release mechanism with no moving parts
  • No mechanical parts to wear out, potentially increasing longevity
  • Often lightweight and sleek in design, appealing to modern aesthetics
  • Consistent performance in various weather conditions


  • Can be among the most expensive safety stirrup options
  • May not be approved at all horse shows

**Psst! Check out the stirrup reviews from Ophena's happy customers.

Composite safety stirrups

Composite safety stirrups are made from advanced materials such as reinforced plastics or carbon fiber. These stirrups often incorporate flexible elements in their design to enhance safety while offering unique performance characteristics


The flexibility of the materials used allows the stirrup to bend or flex under extreme pressure, potentially freeing a rider's foot. Some designs also incorporate breakaway features similar to other safety stirrups. The use of composite materials often results in a lighter stirrup that can absorb shock and vibration more effectively than metal alternatives.

Pros and cons


  • Extremely lightweight, which can be beneficial for long rides or competitions
  • Often very durable and resistant to corrosion
  • Can provide additional shock absorption, improving rider comfort
  • Available in a wide range of colors and designs


  • May be more expensive than traditional metal stirrups
  • Some riders prefer the feel and weight of metal stirrups
  • Not all designs incorporate a specific release mechanism, relying instead on material flexibility
  • May require special care or cleaning methods to maintain appearance and performance

Innovative and latest designs

The field of safety stirrup design continues to evolve, with manufacturers constantly seeking new ways to enhance rider safety. Some of the latest innovations push the boundaries of what's possible in stirrup design, incorporating cutting-edge technologies and materials.

  • Intelligent stirrups: These stirrups allow you to preset your stirrup angle preferences.
  • Hybrid designs: Combining multiple safety features, such as magnetic closures with flexible materials, to offer the best of multiple worlds.
  • Customizable safety features: Allowing riders to adjust the release tension based on their riding style and level, providing a personalized safety solution.


The mechanisms in these innovative designs vary widely but often incorporate advanced materials, electronic components, or novel mechanical solutions to improve upon existing safety features. For example, customizable designs might employ adjustable spring tensions or interchangeable components.

Pros and cons


  • Cutting-edge safety features that may offer superior protection
  • Often highly customizable to suit individual rider needs
  • May offer additional benefits beyond safety
  • Can incorporate feedback from riders and safety experts in their design


  • Can be very expensive, putting them out of reach for many riders
  • May require more maintenance or have a learning curve for proper use
  • Newer designs may not have long-term reliability data

Choosing the right safety stirrups

Selecting the appropriate safety stirrups is crucial for maximizing rider protection. Consider the following factors when making your choice:

  • Riding discipline: Different disciplies may benefit from specific stirrup designs. For example, cross-country riders might prioritize quick-release mechanisms, while dressage riders might focus on stirrups that provide stability and elegance.
  • Personal preference: Some riders may prefer the feel of certain materials or mechanisms. It's important to choose stirrups that you feel comfortable and confident using.
  • Budget: Safety stirrups are available at various price points. While it's important to invest in quality safety equipment, there are options available for different budgets.
  • Maintenance requirements: Consider how much time and effort you're willing to invest in upkeep. Some stirrups require regular checks and replacements, while others are more low-maintenance.
  • Compatibility: Ensure the stirrups are compatible with your saddle and riding style. Some designs may not work well with certain types of leathers or riding techniques.
  • Safety standards: Look for stirrups that meet or exceed relevant safety standards for your region and discipline.
  • Weight considerations: If you're a competitive rider, the weight of the stirrups might be a factor in your decision.
  • Climate and riding conditions: Consider how different materials and mechanisms perform in your typical riding environment.

It's advisable to consult with experienced riders, trainers, or equestrian safety experts when selecting safety stirrups. If possible, test different types of safety stirrups before making a final decision. Many tack shops and riding schools offer demo programs that allow you to try various models.


Safety stirrups have come a long way from their early designs, offering riders a range of options to enhance their protection while in the saddle. From traditional peacock stirrups to cutting-edge magnetic and smart designs, there's a safety stirrup to suit every rider's needs and preferences.

While no piece of equipment can guarantee complete safety in equestrian sports, choosing the right safety stirrups can significantly reduce the risk of one of the most dangerous scenarios in horseback riding. As technology and materials continue to advance, we can expect to see even more innovative designs that further enhance rider safety without compromising performance or comfort.

Remember, the best safety stirrup is one that you feel comfortable using and that suits your riding style. Regular maintenance and proper use are also crucial in ensuring that your safety stirrups function as intended when you need them most.

By staying informed about the latest developments in safety stirrup technology and carefully considering your individual needs, you can make an informed decision that enhances your safety and enjoyment in the saddle.