New years goals for equestrians 2021
The new year is here and like they say: new year, new me! Or rather, new us, as we are referring to equestrians and their four-legged friends. Many people decide to better themselves in the new year, for instance, start working out, eat healthier, or spend less money. However, equestrians might have different goals in mind.
In this article, we will look at some great New Years resolutions and goals you can set for yourself as an equestrian.
Learn something new
It is easy to keep doing the same routine and the same exercises day after day. However, that will not make you a better rider. Also, your horse will easily get bored if they have to do the some things daily.
Make yourself and your horse a promise to learn something new and to mix up your routine a little bit. For instance, dressage riders can start learning a new test, or new exercises. Showjumpers, on the other hand, can (for instance) learn new pole and cavaletti combinations.
Clean your tack more often
We all get busy and cleaning the tack might not be a priority. However, not taking care of your tack will only cause it to wear out and break faster. Make yourself a promise to clean your tack properly at least once a week. Your horse will appreciate it too! Clean the leather tack, wash your saddle pad, and clean the blankets.
Set goals for yourself
Riding is much more fun when you have something to work towards. For instance, you can set a goal to attend a show, or to advance to a higher level. Another goal can be, for example, to ride more often, or to learn more of the discipline that is not yours: for example, dressage riders can set a goal to jump small fences by the years end.
It is a good idea to discuss realistic goals with your riding instructor.
Update your tack
Make sure your tack is always safe and up-to-date. If your tack shows signs of too much wear and tear, it is time to replace it. For instance, stirrup leathers, Säkerhetsstigbyglar, girths, bits, and reins should always be especially well taken care of. Also, make sure to replace your helmet after every fall.
In addition, remember to use all possible safety gear when riding. For instance, gloves, good boots, safety vests, and air-bag vests are recommended for every rider.
Remember to check out our Säkerhetsstigbyglar and our new saddle pads.