What to do with old stirrups?
Every now and then, we all need to update our tack. Sometimes, we need to get a new saddle, a new bridle, fresh brushes, or even new stirrups. When it is time for some new tack, you will need to figure out what to do with the old tack. Preferably, you will sell it or donate it, instead of collecting old stuff you will not need. Evidently, it would only cause you to have clutter.

So when it is time to buy new stirrups, what should you do with the old ones?
Sell your stirrups
If your stirrups are still usable and in good condition, you can always sell your stirrups. For instance, you can list them for sale on Facebook, or other social media channels. In addition, there are many sites where you can sell old and used tack. This way, you might get rid of your tack, while someone gets what they need. And making a few bucks out of them might not hurt, either.
Selling your stirrups online is easy: take a few good pictures of them, describe their condition, and choose a good price. When someone is interested, collect payment and ship them to their new owner as soon as possible.
Donate your stirrups
Many riding schools and rescues, for instance, need new tack constantly. If you do not feel like selling your stirrups, you can always donate them to a local riding school or a rescue center. You can even give your stirrups away for free on an online tack exchange site. However, even when you give them away for free, you should ensure that the stirrups are in good condition and safe.
If your tack is broken, do not give it away or sell it (unless you disclose the condition of the tack).
DIY projects
If you are super crafty and want to put your old tack in good use, you can always start a DIY project. For instance, you can make art our of the stirrups, use them as a part of outdoor design, or use them as decoration at your house.
Many sites, such as Pinterest, have excellent and crafty ideas for outdoor and indoor decor that you can do yourself. This can even give you an opportunity to get creative.
Should I throw my stirrups out?
If you do not want to sell or donate your stirrups or use them for decor, you can always recycle them. However, you should never throw them in the trash. After all, waste and landfill are big issues in the world at the moment. As most stirrups are made of metal or iron, you can easily take them to recycle.
Where can I buy new ones?
When it is time to update your stirrups, you can take a peek at our super popular Ophena S. You can also compare stirrups and read reviews online to determine what kind of option is the best one for you. If you have any questions, we will be happy to help you.